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Git for All

A quick and short guide to Git aimed primarily at non-developers. Git concepts explained with simple examples and illustrations. No terminal commands.

About this guide

Why yet another git resource?

There are many git resources out there. But most, if not all, of them assume that the user is familiar with the command line.

Even when writing this, I was tempted over and over again to sneak in a line of git commands or two. This is because it would allow me to skip cooking up examples and analogies. But I decided against it. I want this guide to be accessible to everyone.

Now, I’m not saying that you can’t use the command line. I’m just saying that you don’t have to.

I want to prevent the following scenario:

XKCD 1597

GUI git clients I recommend -

  1. GitHub Desktop
    For general use. Targeted at beginners. Best image diff viewer. Extremely user-friendly. Start here.
  2. GitKraken
    For advanced users. Has a lot of features. Better visualization. Move to this when you’ve outgrown GitHub Desktop.

I use a combination of both.

The official git website maintains a list of GUI clients.

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