Mini Git
A reduced version of Git
No Matches
Mini Git

A baby version of Git. View Source.
This was made for an assignment in a graduate course on Operating Systems.
For educational purposes.

Warranty NOT included. Use at your own risk.

Setting up your workspace

This project has a .editorconfig file to enforce project level coding standards.
CLion has built-in support, VSCode requires a plugin.

Installing dependencies

sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev

How to run

Requires a POSIX compliant system.

This project requires CMake to build. Your IDE (VSCode or CLion) should automatically detect the CMakeLists.txt file and build the project. Install extensions for CMake support if prompted.
If you are using the command line, you can run the following commands:

cmake -B build
cmake --build build --config Release

Supported Commands

  1. ./mygit init
    • Initializes a new repository by creating a directory called .mygit.
  2. ./mygit hash-object [-w] test.txt
    • This command calculates the SHA-1 hash of a file, compresses it, and stores it as a blob object in the repository when the -w option is used. If -w is not included, it simply prints the file's SHA-1 hash.
  3. ./mygit cat-file <flag> <file_sha>
    • This command reads and displays the content or metadata of a file stored as an object using its SHA-1 hash.
    • Flags:
      • -p prints the content of the file.
      • -t prints the type of the object.
      • -s prints the size of the object.
  4. ./mygit write-tree
    • This command writes the current directory structure to a newly-created tree object.
  5. ./mygit ls-tree [--name-only] <tree_sha>
    • This command reads and displays the content of a tree object using its SHA-1 hash.
    • The --name-only flag prints only the names of the files in the tree.
  6. ./mygit add <path>
    • This command adds files and directories to the staging area.
  7. ./mygit commit -m "commit message"
    • This command creates a new commit object from the current staging area and writes it to the repository.
  8. ./mygit log
    • This command displays the commit history of the repository. Branches are not supported. So, the history is linear.
  9. ./mygit checkout <commit_sha>
    • This command checks out a specific commit, restoring the state of the project as it was at that commit.

Generating and Viewing Documentation

This project uses Doxygen to generate documentation.
If Doxygen is available on your system,
You can generate the documentation by running the doc CMake target.

cmake -B build
cmake --build build --target doc

This repository also has an automated workflow to generate documentatation via Github Actions.

The generated documentation can be viewed at /docs.

pushd docs ; python3 -m http.server 9999; popd # if you have python installed and want to use a server
open docs/index.html # or open the file from the OS file manager, js will not work

A good starting point to explore the codebase is the file listing page. (files.html if you are viewing this in a browser)